Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Max VB

A simple example that shows where if you have a set of columns, and you need to quickly find a maximum value among the set.  This code will give you a path with a clever use of cross apply to find the maximal value from a set of values that exist on a record.

This creates an arbitrary table (using sysobjects as a surrogate numbers table), and creates time stamps. It then shows how to get a maximum timestamp from those time stamps quickly, and easier to write than cascading case statements.

       drop table if exists #tmp_somevalues;


       Create table #tmp_somevalues


                     ID                         int identity(1,1)

              ,      InsertTS                    datetime not null

              ,      ModifiedTS           datetime

              ,      DeletedTS                   datetime null

              ,      OtherTS                           datetime

              ,      YourTimeStamp datetime



       insert into #tmp_somevalues










              InsertTS      = getdate() -

              ,ModifiedTS   = getdate() +

              ,DeletedTS    = case when id % 2 = 0 then getdate()  +  + 1 else null end

              ,OtherTS      = getdate()

              ,YourTimeStamp = case when id % 3 = 0 then getdate()  +  - 1 else null end

              --select *

       FROM sysobjects so

       where <= 50


       select * from #tmp_somevalues

       cross apply



              SELECT max(tstamps) as MaxTS FROM (








          AS MaxCandidates(tstamps)

   ) maxval

A simplified version of this code:

SELECT max(id) as MaxID FROM (









AS MaxCandidates(Id)

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